Spring?!? Let’s Celebrate!

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s May Newsletter edition.

Spring … really?!?  My calendar tells me it’s spring – the view out my window (as does this shot taken by our lead AWA volunteer, Mike Alaimo, last weekend) informs me otherwise.

But, Aldo Leopold reminds us, “He who searches for Spring on his knees in the mud finds it, in plenty”. So maybe the problem is with me – and my unsoiled knees.

Okay … I choose to celebrate!   After all, it is warming (marginally), there is no ice in my backyard (for the past week), and muskie season does approacheth!   As I think about it, I can find joy in a few other May happenings too:

  • National Wetlands Month! Wetlands are incredibly — and irreplaceably — valuable to our communities, and to the outdoor pursuits that we love.  But maybe not everyone fully appreciates the role wetlands play in our lives.  Our colleagues in wetland advocacy work (and in organizational initials!), the Wisconsin Wetlands Association, has developed a series of fun, informative videos that help all of us better understand the importance of wetlands, and why we should be concerned about protecting them, whether you are a WI Waterfowler or not.  Check them out and become a better-informed wetlands advocate!
  • Rob Kieckhefer, former board President and Chairman, accepts his 1st Annual Hall of Fame nomination in January 2017.

    WWA’s 35th Birthday! WWA founders, and early members, Jerry Solsrud, Rob Kieckhefer, Jay Reed, Dale Arnez, Jim Weix and others envisioned the need for an organization to represent the interests of WI Waterfowlers.  And in 1984, they made it happen. Read their stories in our Hall of Fame page.  I hope you’ll agree they’ve had a remarkable impact on WI Waterfowling.

  • WWA’s evolving organization! And, what better way to honor our founders than for us to re-dedicate WWA to meeting the evolving needs of today’s WI Waterfowlers. Maybe you’ve read in earlier columns that we are re-structuring at the state level to identify and better meet those needs. This initiative is kicking off this month. WWA has never been more relveant to WI Waterfowlers. Do you want to play a role, or understand where your WWA is going in our next 35 years?  Read on:

In May, the Board of Directors will be forming 5 distinct committees (with a few subcommittees) to focus on today’s WI Waterfowler’s needs. Committee composition will consist of Directors, staff, and volunteers who want to make a difference, in these areas:

  1. HabitatMaximize WWA’s marsh-level impacts to meet the seasonal biological needs of WI Waterfowl and provide member opportunities to be involved in wetland restoration activities.
  2. Education – Grow the next generation of WI Waterfowlers (adult and youth).
  3. AdvocacyGarner respect for WI Waterfowlers and our wetlands … in legislation and in our communities.
  4. Membership/Communications: (1) Gain (and actively engage) members so we can better understand, represent, and meet the needs of today’s WI Waterfowlers; and (2) Build and expand WWA brand awareness.
  5. Development – Develop reliable funding streams to support missions through diverse events, donors and grants.

Make sense? Do you want join forces with us?  This re-structuring will permit new new ”flavors” of WWA volunteerism.  See below for just some of these unique volunteer opportunities.

What’s Your Super Power?

Not every WWA member has the desire to volunteer in traditional chapter fundraising roles.  Our restructuring creates new ways to make a difference for WI Waterfowl, at a state-level, and without needing to meet the expectations of a WWA Director. And, maybe, the ideal candidates aren’t even waterfowlers, but students who want to learn/practice a skillset, or spouses who want to burnish a resume, or … ?

  • Are you a good organizer?
  • Do spreadsheets and databases excite you?
  • Do you enjoy mentoring kids or adults in outdoor activities?
  • Does telling stories through social media bring you joy?
  • Are you good at persuading politicians of the righteousness of your cause?
  • Have experience in writing grants? Or do you want to gain some?
  • Do you have retail or merchandising experience?
  • Do you have marketing experience – or want to further your professional resume – to engage internal and external audiences?

Being a member of these state-level committees generally requires the ability to participate in a monthly teleconference for planning and coordination, and to work independently in support of committee goals.  Time commitments are flexible to what you can comfortably offer, and the pay is, well … priceless!

Call me, and let’s discuss any interests you have at 262-224-4949, or complete our online volunteer form.  I look forward to our conversation to explore your interests.
