Duck Creek Project

Project: Duck Creek
County: Columbia
Acres to Restore: 10
Project Start Date: 01/01/2017
Project End Date: 02/28/2017

As I shared with all the attendees on Saturday, January 28th, during my presentation at the Annual Meeting in Madison, this past fall’s wet weather, and the warm conditions the past few weeks have not been very good, in terms of project works.  The weather has finally allowed us to get started on at least one Columbia county project, near Wyocena.  Earlier this week, we did “prep work”, scraping all the snow and grass cover off the site.

Now, with the cold blast we’ve gotten, we’ll be able to positively impact about ten acres along Duck Creek, as we can get equipment in, more effectively.

Wildlife should respond quickly, as a Sandhill crane was using this site during flooded periods last year, and Canada geese have been flying in and out of the river as we work.   I hope the cold weather holds, so we can get more of these projects completed, before the spring flood conditions return again.