Jackson County Project

Project: Jackson County Project
County: Jackson

By Peter Ziegler, Project Director

Restoration work is still progressing even with the lack of “fall weather”.  The colder temps have actually helped WWA move forward on some projects since it has been so wet.  This Jackson County project was completed in early November.  This 90 acre project will have a mix of open, emergent and wet meadow habitats.  This wide variety will provide a great habitat for waterfowl through all the seasons in one of the most productive parts of the state.  This project was completed in conjunction with USFWS and the landowner.  USFWS helped WWA secure funding, provide technical help and seed for the site.  The landowner provided equipment, pipes for the water control structure and install of the seed over the 90 acre project site.

I took this picture standing on a newly constructed berm, you can see water already beginning to fill the basin.